Thursday 31 December 2015

Editing Day 17 || New Year's Eve

   Today I edited 6 pages. The word count is 74,727. Not as many pages as I wanted to. It was harder to edit today than usual. I wanted to finished editing it before the end of the year but it will be more realistic by the end of the week.

   I went over part of the book of the aftermath of the murder of Catherine Brown. Eva ran off to the crypt where she used to live with her family. I found pictures of what I thought it looked like.

This what I though it would look like except for a spiral staircase leading down to a white marble floor.

There are indentations in the walls like these that were more like shelves but a similar shape like these ones so that vampires can lie down on it.

I'll continue editing tomorrow. Happy New Year! xxx :)


  1. Editing is not an easy job. I find when I am attempting to edit my own writing, I miss so much, because of speed reading. However initial editing must be done before passing it to someone more detached for another go! Good luck with it. Writing for the public is a brave thing to do.

  2. It's definitely not easy, that's why I'm blogging about it and tracking my progress. Thank you for your comment and good wishes. Happy New Year! :)
