Sunday 20 December 2015

Editing Day 8

   Today I edited 18 pages. Word count 74392.
I didn't do any editing or blog on Friday or Saturday. So far I've edited and blogged for a whole week straight. There are about 100 pages to go until I finish the first round of editing. My goal is to finish editing it before the New Year. I'm really looking forward to it.

   On Friday, I watched Star Wars The Force Awakes. It was EPIC! I'm not going to give anything away, so if you haven't watched it Go and watch it!

   On Saturday, I went on my work's Christmas dinner. It was alright and we were in all in various degrees of drunkenness.

   I'm really starting to feel festive and can't wait to be off for Christmas and work more on my book.
I'll end the blog here.

   Good Night! xxx :)

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