Wednesday 16 December 2015

Editing Day 6

   Today I edited 12 pages. The word count is 74,418.
I really enjoyed going over a chapter where one of the main characters was shot dead by a mercury tipped bullet - the only way to kill a vampire. She was an ancient vampire and turned into something else when the Sisters of the Moon, also known as The Cravens, prayed for her resurrection in Westminster Cathedral. I also really enjoyed editing part of her death and transformation. This all happened on top of the Campanile Bell Tower that's part of Westminster Cathedral.

   Here it is. I'll add an excerpt of the chapter. This is when she is dying and transforming at the same time.

   "The drumming rose softly into the snow. It vibrated throughout my body. It was familiar and strange at the same time. I wanted to be with the wilderness, with the dusk, with the moon. It pulled at my heart strings. Shivers ran down my spine, waking me from my slumber. My eyes fluttered but they were too heavy to open. My left leg twitched sending spasms up and down my legs. Warmth spread from the core of my body out to the rest of my body. Pain shot through my fingertips and toes. My stomach spasmed and I felt nauseous. Warm breath blew into me repeatedly. I chocked as it hit my frozen lungs. My stomach heaved and I vomited black sticky blood. It burnt at the back of my throat and tasted bitter on my tongue. I wretched again until there was nothing more but bile. Blackness closed in on me like a grey cloud on a rainy day. My body felt heavy. I felt rooted to the floor. The fire that continued to lick down my spine spread through to my bones, knees, elbows, shoulders, hips, hands and feet. It was agony.
   The itchy pins and needles on my back spread out across the rest of my backbone and spine, all the way down to my tail bone. I felt like I was about to be split in half. A moan escaped me and turned into a cry. I squeezed my eyes together wanting desperately to go back to that cold place I’ve always known. A hot band of steel squeezed my chest and ribs. I couldn’t breathe. I gave up struggling against it and let go. It felt like the sky fell down on me and bounced me back up into the snowy torrent of black sky and deep space."

   While editing, I made sure what I wrote was in past tense. It was fun straightening out a scene where a human had changed into a monster like MOTH. He is half human and half spider, and was experimented on in a lab in Oxford before escaping on a coach bus to Brighton. I'm starting to feel really good about the main plots in the book, though I'm sure there's more work to be done on the rest of them.
Good Night! xxx :)

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