Friday 1 January 2016

Editing Day 18

   Today I edited 10 pages. The word count is 74724. I corrected a few things and proof read it again.

   It took me a while to get started but when I did it was fine. I edited part of the book when Eva started connecting with Daniel on a deeper level and Catherine's funeral was coming up. She was told that she wasn't welcome to the funeral by her mother, but Catherine's sister Beth insisted that she come. Eva also connected with Valentino for the first time in the book.

   This is also part of the book where I started another plot of a monster similar to MOTH feeding on people in Brighton. Here are a couple of things I've written about it.

"The pavement glistened underneath the lamp post’s light. Shadows lingered around the corner of the pub. It slithered around the unconscious body, feeling around its head for soft spots. It lowered its head and sunk its pincers into the body’s left temple. The poison liquefied the body’s brain and it drank greedily under the ominous clouds."
- First instance of the monster.

"The sea frothed at the pebbles as wave after wave hit the sea front. Loud music blazed from the clubs. A group of women on a hen night staggered outside clutching onto their coats and jackets. One of them walked along the sea as the others hailed a taxi.

  In the shadows, something moved lazily. It followed the woman, now vomiting on her shoes and touched her forehead. Green goo dripped from its pincers as it lowered its head to her temple. Her body convulsed as the poison made its way into her brain. It drank hungrily, growing stronger and bigger with every feed. "
- Second instance of the monster.

Can you imagine the monster crawling up to these people, sinking its pincers into their brains and eating them?

Good Night! xxx :)

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