Tuesday 12 January 2016

My First Submission

Today I have rewritten my book's synopsis and cover letter. I put together the first three chapters and sent my first e-mail submission.

I read three articles called How Literary Agents Work, How to Get An Agent and Getting Hooked Out Of The Slush Pile. They were really informative. I also re-read the sections regarding writing a synopsis and covering letter.

I went through a long list of publishers that deal with fantasy and fiction marking them with a purple pen. I did the same thing with a list of agents. After a while, I stopped and decided to submit to an agency called LBA Literary Agency. They represent a seriously well know and well read amount of writers. They seem really cool and I had a good feeling about them.

I'll be submitting to agents all week and blogging about it. It'll be fun to find out what happens.

Good Night! xxx :)

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