Sunday 3 January 2016

Editing Day 20

   I really enjoyed editing today. This is the last editing blog. I will be moving onto making a list of agents and publishers that deal with Fantasy books. I'll use the Writers and Artists book. It's really useful.

   While editing, I clarified a few things in a couple of plots and made a few changes. The main things I did today were correct or add a few things to certain scenes in the book so they make more sense. I tried to make them close to real life so that they would be relatable.

   I can't believe that I wrote a book in 2015. Sometimes when I stop and look at my life, I don't know how I got here. I bought my next notebook for MOTH BOOK 2 and when I opened it, I realised that it was not blank on the inside! I love writing on blank thick pages of a hard back notebook. I feel more inspired writing that way. It doesn't matter, I'll still uses it! Haha! :)

   I found this picture and it made me laugh. There was a part of the book where I was editing a car chase scene and a woman on a bike was biking up hill in the rain and sleet.

   I also edited part of the book where MOTH was in a lab in Oxford. He has a large tank in the middle of the lab with a blue bulb hanging from it. I found this picture that is close to what I imagined it would look like. Doesn't he look like David Blaine? Maybe he can be in my book! Haha! :)

   I'll leave it here for now. I will keep blogging on a daily basis and let you know what's going on and how things are going.
Good Night! xxx :)

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