Wednesday 20 November 2019

Daily Confessions 9

What are instincts? 

According to the Collins dictionary, the definition of instinct is:

*Instinct is the natural tendency that a person or animal has to behave or react in a particular way. 

There's a British definition-one of several that I relate to. It is:

*Inborn intuitive power. 

Why am I talking about instincts? 

After going to the loo about 1am, I snuggled up in bed and was trying to go back to sleep. My mind was really active. I started breathing deeply to get myself to relax. I started thinking about instincts. We've obviously used our instincts to survive and evolve for hundreds of thousands of years. I like the second definition that I've mentioned. Inborn intuitive power. It sounds like magic. How do we access that power? Are there spells? What are we listening for when those instincts are trying to tell us something? And why is that voice so quiet compared to the natter of the mind? I suppose things like meditation and quiet time might help us tune into that power. 

I've listened to my instincts in the past. When that voice was loud and firm with me, I listened. It does seem like these days, it's fainter. Where did it go? I've decided to hone in on it and make it louder like an obnoxious teen on the bus. 

What do you think? Do you listen to your instincts? If yes, how?

I'd love to hear from you. 
Good night.

Wonder Woman

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