Friday 22 November 2019

Daily Confessions 11

If trees were saints. 

Today, I was thinking about trees and all the good things that they do. Then, for some reason, I thought about saints. I had to compare them to each other. If this bores you to death, consider it your Friday silly post and enjoy! :)

Trees provide a place for animals to shelter in, food for their survival and a home for insects and birds. 

Saints are selfless and want to help other humans in need. They provide shelter and food for people who need it the most.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide, potentially harmful gasses and release oxygen. 

Saints, let's not mention the gasses. I guess they give out give vibes.

Trees are beautiful from the outside.

Saints are beautiful from the inside.

Trees reduce air temperature contributing in lowering the overall temperature of the atmosphere. 

Saints are cool.

Trees reduce the effects of landslides.

Saints are able to work miracles.

Trees are miracles in all that they do and offer. 

There's a lot more to trees and saints, but if trees were saints, their leaves would be their halos. 


Much later on:  

I wrote 500 words before having dinner. I'm proud of myself. I'm being consistent. It looks like I'll be writing 500 words every day, at least on my work days. Hight five!

I'm listening to a book that is amazing. It's called The Third Door by Alex Banayan. It's mainly about his journey on how successful people got to where they got to. For most of the book, he's been trying to get an interview with Bill Gates, for the main part. He's gone through so many rejections that I feel for him. He's so relatable. Check it out. I think you'll like it. I'll let you go. I'm quite tired tonight.

Good Night.

Wonder Woman


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