Sunday 17 November 2019

Daily Confessions 7

Sundays are one of my favourite days. It's a full on chill out day. 🐱

I carried on reading Don't Keep Your Day Job by Cathy Heller. I love reading stories about ordinary people who grow their hobbies into a successful career. 😊

I recently cancelled my gym membership. I realised that I didn't enjoy it anymore. It's not worth being unhappy and feeling like you have to workout at a gym to be healthy. It put a negative light on how I viewed my body, which made me feel like I had to change it to be thinner and look healthier.

There was a point when I felt pressured to go to this gym or that gym with a certain set of friends. I felt so bad that I tried out a gym that I've never been to, but it wasn't me. It seemed that I was loosing myself to be like my friends. So, I'm not doing gyms at the mo.

Don't get me wrong, I do like working out. I won't ever let myself be controlled/influenced like that again.There are things I've been meaning to try and will experiment in the new year.

I'm spending time getting to know myself, practising self-care, self-love and being compassionate towards myself.

I'm also working on resetting my morning and night routine, especially getting more sleep and using my phone less at night. It makes me feel more awake in the morning, especially at work.

Anyway, I'll leave you tonight.
Good night.

Wonder Woman

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