Friday 15 November 2019

Daily Confessions 5

Today was great.
Most of us at work wore bright clothes for Children In Need. I donated and wore a yellow head band with pudsies's ears on it. It's really cute.

Winter has really set in when it starts to get dark at 2pm when it's raining. If you've ever worked in a building, you'll notice cold spots, drafts and goosebumps. Sounds like a haunting. It's not. It's our long lost friend, Winter. 💨❄💧

A customer brought in a pair of glasses that were 3.5 years old and out of guarantee. He was complaining about the coating. Plus it seemed like he needed an eye test, leaving the details out.

Talking/writing about this kind of thing is really therapeutic.
Explanation: He wanted a free pair of glasses. Annoying. 😂

I felt creative today. I wrote some poetry and chilled in the evening. I watched a few episodes of A Conversation With. It's Phillip DeFranco's podcast. He has a YouTube news channel.

There weren't any more fly bodies. Good news? I don't know. 

Good Night,
Wonder Woman

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