Wednesday 13 November 2019

Daily Confessions 3

Sometimes cuddling up in bed into a warm cocoon is the best thing ever. I haven't taken my make up off. DAMN IT. Dramatics aside, today was hard work. The body count was high. I counted twelve cadavers in the area I was working alone. Of blue bottles that is. There were more near the steps of doom and on the landing. So maybe 30-50 bit the dust. That was after the bug spray was used intensely. So gross! 💀

When I got home, I had a nutella cronut. It was so good. That was the last one.  I have no excuse to treat myself. I read a couple of chapters of Don't Keep Your Day Job by Cathy Heller. It's super inspiring. I've been thinking about doing more art and writing more consistently. Will update you more on what I've been upto creatively.
I'm returning to my cocoon.
Good Night.

Wonder Woman

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