Thursday 21 November 2019

Daily Confessions 10

From a cup of tea to 500 words!

You're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about. Let me clarify it for you.

I don't know if it's an age thing or a work thing or even a winter thing. It's natural to be tired after a work day. I do find being creative like writing or drawing much harder at night, because when I'm that tired, all I want to do is chill out and watch Netflix or YouTube. I think winter has something to do with it too. The cold darkness makes me want to hibernate until April. If I do that, I won't get anything done. So, yesterday, when I came home, I made myself a cup of tea, changed into my cosies and turned my laptop on.

I blogged, listened to a couple of podcast episodes and wrote 500 words. Initially, I wanted to write 1,000 words, but I had to compromise with myself because I was getting quite tired. I lasted about 3 hours before I had to stop and chill out a bit before going to bed. I'm counting that as a winning streak!

Today, I did the same thing. I'm getting quite hungry thinking of my dinner while snacking on crunchy peas from Graze. The podcast I was listening to yesterday and todays is Don't Keep Your Day Job. It has the same title of the book by Cathy Heller. The podcast is amazing! It's so inspiring and pushes me to keep going. Here's the link if you want to check it out. You'll find me mentioning this podcast quite a bit in the near future. Another podcast that I love is The Skinny Confidential podcast. The episode that I love is the one with Gabby Bernstein. If you're dabbling in spirituality, you'd have heard of her. The link is also below.

I took a break from blogging and returned to Keepers of the Crypt. I wrote 500 words. I'm happy with where it's going and I'm excited to write more every day. I think I will carry on with my 500 word limit, for now.

I'm going to leave you for now. My dinner is calling for me.
Good night.

Wonder Woman


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