Tuesday 12 November 2019

Daily Confessions 2

Today was a typical busy day, except for the blue bottles that kept flying around the room I was working in. They're massive! Four or five of them kept buzzing about all day. They were touchy feely; getting too close to me and trying to land on me. I swatted them with bits of paper and my left arm.

The landing was also infiltrated with blue bottles. There were about ten of them crawling or flying all over a large window. So gross. For some reason it reminded me of The Exorcism. I bet those maggots hatched into blue bottles. Let me explain.

A few weeks ago, I came into work and notice loads of white wriggly things on a flight of steps. Above the flight of steps is a partially open sky light. Loads of birds hang out there and occasionally, bird poo lands on those steps. So it went from poo to maggots. That was the sensation of the week. At some point, someone came in and sorted it out. No maggots so far. But, today, blue bottles descended  upon us. I'm sure the maggots were still there. I'm scared that the rotting bird is going to fall down in pieces and disintegrate on the steps of doom.

Anyway, right now I'm listening to an audio book. It's a "beach read". I've never read a "beach read" before. It's a really good distraction. It's called The Beach Café by Lucy Diamond. I was happy to see that a book I got recently arrived today. It's called Don't Keep Your Day Job by Cathy Heller. I'm excited to read it. I had another donut. A raspberry and pistachio one. It was very tasty.

I'm going to chill out tonight. No screen time. Will see how it goes.
I'll leave you tonight.
Good Night.

Wonder Woman

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