Monday 23 March 2020

Uncertain Times 1

Last week felt like things were going down the zombie apocalypse slide. Most of my colleagues were tense, worried even angry. Uncertain times like these tests our emotions and the way we behave.

As our numbers dwindled, the few staff that were left picking up the pieces, serving customers as best as they can, keeping themselves healthy and not hoarding food, hand sanitisers and toilet paper. 
Pasta, meat and bread is also being hoarded. If we all take what we need, there will be plenty to go around. 

We work at Opticians X. Just like you, we don't know what will happen when everything shuts down. It seems like we will get our full pay this month. The next few months, 80%. As far as we know. 
There are amazing companies out there that are paying their staff full pay while they're temperarily closed.  This is amazing! I wish more companies would learn from them and be human.

We don't have the luxury to work from home. To not use public transport. To not deal with rude angry customers.  Managers don't have to deal with customers shouting at them. Please be kind. We are also human. 

If work shuts down, we will isolate ourselves.  It seems like the world is falling apart.  NHS heroes are putting themselves on the line. Look after yourselves, your community might need you if they get sick. Some of my neighbours are helping people who are self-isolating / vulnerable with food, toilet paper and picking up their pensions. This is amazing! It would be amazing if we all helped each other like this. 

I read on Twitter that crime has continued since people started self-isolating. Offenses include drug/drunk driving, assault and theft. Please report crime to them on 101/online Please see below. 
Stay indoors if you can and practice social distancing. 

Take care.

Wonder Woman XXX 💜 

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