Tuesday 31 March 2020

1 Week in Self-Isolation-Brighton

Today is the first time that I felt really happy since self-isolating. I loved seeing my days change from being anxious or fearful to calm or acceptance of this situation that we're all going through to happy. Living under a cloud of tiredness or grumpiness from work and bringing it home has affected me more than I thought it did. A sense of gratitude and appreciation for this time off work has made a few things stand out. The important things in life. My passions, my hobbies, recreating routines and a sense of peace.

I've spent less time on Twitter and Instagram. Wrote more, read more and slept more. I got ready when I woke up, showered, dressed, put some fun make up on, ate more regularly and did more chores. I wrote more poetry. I'm thinking of doing more art. I guess I feel like a renaissance woman.

You may laugh at me. That's OK. I will carry on trying to get published. The thought of querying more agents at the moment is so daunting. It's always daunting. Sometimes I feel like I'll never get published.

Anyway, I was going to share a few things with you.

I finished reading Frankenstein! Yeay! It's so good. There are so many layers to it. It really did surprise me. It's definitely on my favourites list.

I love this cover of the book. It has raw edges and makes it feel like it's just off the presses.

This is my cosy writing desk.  I edited it and made it look warmer. When the lamp is on and a candle is lit, I am in my element. There's usually a podcast or audiobook playing. 

If you want to listen to some podcasts, here are a couple of links. I think you'll enjoy them.

The Box of Oddities:
The hosts of the show share true weird and fun stories.

My Favourite Murders:
The hosts share true crime stories and are very funny.

Take care everyone and stay safe. 

Wonder Woman XXX 

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