Thursday 19 March 2020

How To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse 1

Day 1
1:13 AM 

I dipped the pizza crust in mayo, because we've run out of ketchup. And so has every supermarket, corner shop and market. 

My girlfriend Maya has stashed our last toilet roll under our duvet. Our housemates are out trying to find tins of baked beans. 

A month ago, we could go outside without wearing face masks. We could go to the cinema. We could go to work.

Now, people are dying, and coming back sicker. It's the strangest thing I've ever experienced. 

It started with my grandmother. Granny Ivy was 82 when she got the flu. I visited her that Sunday as I usually do for Sunday lunch. When she removed the roast potatoes from the oven, she colapsed. The potatoes rolled all over the kitchen floor. I've never had potatoes like those again. 

I carried her to her bed. She was so still that I thought she was dead. Later that night, I heard some noise in the kitchen. I got up to see who it was. It was Granny Ivy. She looked blue. Her eyes were bloodshot. Her lips were also blue. 

She was doing the washing up. I touched her shoulder and she turned around drooling at the smell of my hand. 

I backed away and ran back to my flat. I couldn't understand what was happening until Maya told me that something similar happened to her mum. 

"Caleb, we have to stick together. Something weird is going on," said Maya. 

Those words still haunt me. Her hands were shaking. A key in the lock made me jump. My housemates Ian and Terry slipped in and locked the door behind them.

"No beans, I'm afraid," Ian slumped down on the floor. 

"But we did find three tins of tomato soup," Terry smiled.

He pulled them out of his jacket pocket and lined them up on the floor.

That night we split one watery tin of tomato soup between us. 

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