Friday 6 March 2020

Friday Night Frights 1

Chapter 1

The colour of the water changed from red to pink to clear. Turning the tap off, Heather dried her hands on a couple of hand towels. A fruit knife lay drying on the table near her.

She turned towards her patient, pulled the body feet first into a bin bag, folded her body at the waist and tied the top of the bag with a couple of knots.

Next, she placed her patient's eyes in a recycled pickled onion jar. They barely floated up towards the top. Heather wrinkled her nose at the smell of formaldehyde. She hid the jar in her black fold-over handbag. 

The clock on the monitor read 1:45 PM. She smiled at her accomplishment. This was her earliest kill. She grabbed the bin bag and walked quickly towards the fire exit stairs. A large Sainsburys truck blocked her view and hid her from the crowds on North Street. She jogged towards a large black bin and hauled the bag with both hands over the top. 

Her heart beat fast and her stomach rumbled. Lunch time. The only time she'd ever felt anything. At all. Other than the thrill and peace of hunting down her next victim. Recently, it's been more plotting than hunting since her victims tend to come to her. Perks of an optician. 

She took her time walking back up the stairs. Back in her testing room, she removed a thermos from her bag and a pair of chopsticks. Spicy noodles gave her so much joy. Or what she thought was joy. It was the only type of carbs she ate. Today she ate it with chicken and broccoli. A pair of blue eyes stared out at her from her handbag. Cold and beautiful. Just like her face.