Friday 20 March 2020

Friday Night Frights 3

Chapter 3

   Rain pelted down Islingword Road staining the pavement black. Vapour illuminated the almost pitch black night while Heather ran down the hill. She turned down Upper Rock Gardens street and forced her feet to run faster along the sea front. Her foot tripped against a loose pavement slab and she fell straight into a wet hoodie.

 A pair of damp strong hands pulled her up on her feet. Her eyes landed on a pair of dark blue eyes. An electric shock went right through her.

   “Are you okay?”

    She stood up straight and pretended to limp.

   “I’m not sure. My ankle. It hurts.”

   “I’ll take you to A&E if you want.”

   “Oh no. It’s okay. I’ll just get a taxi home.”

   Rain drops saturated his black metal rimmed glasses. He put an arm around her and hailed down a taxi. She told the driver where she lived.

    “Let me look at that ankle.” He pulled her leg over his and unlaced her trainer. “I’m Tom by the way.”

   “I’m Heather. I’m sure my ankle is fine.”

    She looked away, annoyed at the whole situation. His fingers made their way up her calf. He looked at her in that way. He wasn’t unattractive. She pretended to smile when she climbed out of the taxi, reminding herself to limp.

   “Are you sure you’re alright?”

    She pulled out her hair band and shook her long blond hair loose.

    “Why don’t you come in?”

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