Saturday 28 March 2020

How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse 2

**********************************This is fiction and for your entertainment only. 
                  Chapter 2

The sound of gargling followed me all the way to Boots. I pushed over the zombies that slowly shuffled towards me with a shove, and occasionally a kick with my foot. 

They collapsed in a sad heap. I knocked on the front door. Rick and five of his unzombified colleagues have locked themselves in since the outbreak. 

He ran towards me like he's never seen a human before. 

"Caleb! Come inside. Quick!"

"What's the rush?"

"Did you see what's going on outside?" 

Panick broke him out in a sweat.

"Yeah, but they're slow."

"Come with me. The others are foaming at the mouth."

I followed him half tripping over my own shoe laces. When we got to the pharmacy, he turned around and pointed to the chairs in the waiting area. 

"Where are the others?"

He sat on the floor in front of me rocking back and forth. 

"T..They're gone. All of them. In the end, I had to dump them outside near Windsor Street."

"Oh God. I'm sorry. Why don't you come and live with us?"

He waved his hand as if shooing a fly away. 

"I have a better set up here. Endless food. Drinks. Cold medicine."

"Cold medicine?"

"I've got a little tickle, thirsty. One sec." 

He grabbed a half full bottle of coke and downed the rest of the bottle in one go. The bottle slipped from his hands and rolled across the floor. I stopped it with my foot. 

"Rick? Are you alright?"

His lips started turning blue. I got up, grabbed a handful of paracetamols, three pregnancy tests and a box of organic tampons. 

"Caleb. I'm thirs...ty."

Rick hobbled towards me. I couldn't watch this. My feet carried me towards the door. Then I remembered something. 

"What's the code, Rick?"


"Supplies. There are others out there who need urgent supplies."

I ran my hand through my floppy hair. My eyes were watering. No. Not watering. They were filling with tears. There goes another friend. 


"Thanks Rick."

I ran out jumping over bodies and letting the tears roll down my face. 

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