Wednesday 18 March 2020

Fear and Hysteria

These are strange times we're going through. It feels odd. It feels uncertain. It feels sort of anxious. 

It feels like it's spreading a lot faster than expected. People are freaking out and panicking. They're stockpiling toilet paper, bread, chicken. Most processed meat is still on the shelves. Some dairy is still available. A lot of tinned food is gone. The cleaning shelves are wiped out. I couldn't get sponges. There's no bleach. No EGGS! WTF? Nuts. 

So a lot is gone. I think supermarkets are trying to restock. Well, a lot of snacks were left. Yeah! Snack lovers unite. 😂 Chocolate is still available. Thank God for that. 

At work, several people are off with symptoms of you-know-what. We are scared that if work closes, we won't get full sick pay. I hope we do. There are a lot less customers coming into the building where we work, some customers are worried about collecting their purchases. Which is fair enough. They are being posted out to vulnerable people who are self-isolating. 

Everyone who comes into the building is made to wash their hands. We regularly sanitise and wash our hands. Public areas are wiped down every 30 minutes. These are good measures.  

We are noticing that people are behaving out of the norm and being rude, overly anxious and panicking over pretty much everything. Hysteria is very real. I guess these aren't normal times. 

These are my opinions and observations including some of my friends experiences. 

How are you going through these testing times? Are you managing well? Do you have basic supplies? Let me know. Take care of yourselves. 

Wonder Woman XXX 

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