Friday 13 March 2020

Friday Night Frights 2

Chapter 2

   Heather scrolled down the appointment diary wondering if her first patient of the day will show up. A knock on the door pulled her attention away from the diary.

   “Come in.”

   Sarah, an assistant manager at Roots Opticians, smiled nervously at her.

    “Hi, Heather, your first patient just called in sick.”

   “Okay, thanks Sarah.”

    She walked in and brushed her red curly hair behind her left ear.

    “I tried to find Samantha Cox-White’s and Richard Reading’s record cards, but couldn’t find them. They were both here in June of last year and are overdue on their sight tests.”

    “Okay, thanks for looking.”

    “You’re welcome.”

   She closed the door behind her.

   Heather pulled her handbag over her shoulder, noted down the two names on a Post-It note and made her way into the lab, which is also called the filing room. Grace and Liz greeted her as she walked in. ABBA were singing Mama Mia on the radio. While Grace had her back turned filing away at the Gs drawers and Liz was on her phone, she pulled an almost empty drawer open, and placed the jar of blue eyes behind a wad of files. It was the last S drawer. Standing up, she straightened her white shirt and pretended to look for the Samantha Cox-White’s file.

    “Can I help you with anything?” Grace asked.

    “Oh no, it’s okay. Sarah tried to find these files earlier, but couldn’t find them.”

    “I can have another look. You never know. Fresh eyes and all that.”

    “Ah, alright.”

    She handed her the Post-It note.

    While testing her next patient, all she could think about were fresh eyes.

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