Saturday 18 June 2016

The Moon Chronicles

Hello everyone!

So much has happened and I need to let you in.

I'm well into writing the sequel to Moth. It's called The Sisters Of The Moon. It follows on directly after the big fight scene at the end of Moth. One of the things I'm writing about is Eva. As you know from the first book, Eva was one of the main characters in Moth. In the second book, something happens to her and she starts to turn into a different version of herself. I won't tell you much because I don't want to give anything away. She's been giving me some trouble so I started writing in a notebook instead of on my laptop. This is helping. I will show you what my new notebook looks like.

It looks so cool! :)

I love to write in smooth unruled pages. I started writing with a purple gel pen which is really cool and smooth on the creamy paper. I'm still working on Eva and will update you on her current unsettled status.

I'm loving the name of the series. The Moon Chronicles. It really sticks in people's heads; I've been experimenting on my friends to see if they like it or remember it. They do. :)

On my birthday, I decided to vlog everyday for a whole year. It's a scary challenge but I decided that I was going to do it no matter what. So I kept going and today it would be vlog 4o. A significant number. 

Towards the end of last year I started the James Patterson Writing Masterclass. I'm not sure if I blogged about it then. There was a period of time when I forgot that I even had it. So I continued on and so far it's pretty good!

In the picture above is what I use to write and vlog. A Sony H300 DSLR is what I use to vlog when I'm in-doors or create separate videos. The Sony headphones are the best headphones I've ever used. I've had them for about a couple of years and they still work well. They are the longest running headphones I've ever had. Good one Sony! :) I write and edit my videos on the HP laptop, as well as do research, etc. I use the fruit notebook to scribble notes or ideas I have while writing. It's a life saver. The book Honeymoon by James Patterson is part of the masterclass. I've read about half of it. It's better than I thought it was. I need my glasses to see when I'm not wearing my contact lenses and the pen is for writing in the notebook.

Recently I purchased Neil Gaiman's new book Views From The Cheap Seats. I read the first chapter. Jesus it's good! I'll update you when I've read more.

My friends Dre and Jon started a podcast called Voices In The Dark. You have to check it out! It's really good! I bet you'll be addicted to it. They have released three episodes. In this series they talk about Robert Greene's 48 Laws Of Power. The link is the first one below.

I think I've updated you so far.
Have a great day! xxx :)

Check out my links below.

Voices In The Dark:

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