Monday 27 June 2016


When I turned 10, an explosion of poetry came out of me. I don't know what happened. I couldn't stop writing the damn things. It was like a volcano. I filled notebook after notebook. It was fun but also made me look like a freak. Some time later, I started writing short stories. I couldn't stop creating.

Writing wasn't the only thing I loved. I started painting and drawing. I couldn't get enough of it. I went through the starving artist faze and studied Fine Arts too. I loved English literature as much as any day dreaming writer did.

From there, fast forward to a few years ago when I started writing longer stories, songs and more poems. There was a point where I didn't know what to do with myself. I stopped writing for a while but kept writing poems and songs.

There was a weird day at work when I had this idea for a book. I started scribbling things down during my lunch break. When I was back at work again, it was all I was thinking about. When I got home, I cracked open my laptop and started writing the first chapter of my first book. The more I wrote, the more the story unfurled. I wanted to have some element of reality as well as fantasy.

There was a point during the journey when I realised that I was a writer. I was a writer. This is it. It hit me. Shit, no one is going to take me seriously. Everyone is going to hate my book. There was no way I was going support myself as a writer.

These were my old thoughts, my old beliefs. People might tell you exactly what I said before. Ignore them. Keep writing. Finish that damn book and write another one. Passion will keep you going. You know you love it.

I'm still writing now. I still love it. I still write poems and songs. Who cares in what form you write. Remember your passion. It will follow you to your grave. Regret never made anyone into anything.
Never give up.

Remember, passion will get you through.

Good night! xxx  :)

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