Tuesday 21 June 2016

Hearts and Feelings

   During my singing lesson, I was talking to my coach about one of  the characters in the book called Eva. I've mentioned her a lot as I've been working on her for a long time. I was telling her that Eva's heart was pulled out when she was staked at Richmond Park. The wolves who attacked her ate the rest of her heart while she lay on the snow watching it fall. When the wolves ran off, she just lay there recovering from the gaping wound in her chest feeling numb and lifeless.

   I found this interesting article about the heart and the sense of familiarity.

   We started talking about feelings and the heart, how they are linked together as well as the brain. I found it fascinating. I know exactly where to take Eva on her journey now. I won't tell you anymore. You'll just have to wait until I finish the book.

   I'm creeping up to 5,000 word now. I like to give myself small targets to get me where I want to go quicker than bigger ones. Bigger target always seem overwhelming to begin with until you start breaking them down. As I write, I keep creating these small targets until I reach the main target. I usually write a bit more than that because I find that psychologically, it tricks me into thinking I'm nearly there. I guess this is one tip into how to write a book.

  It's a short one today. I'll catch up with you tomorrow. xxx :)

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