Monday 20 June 2016

Every Day

   Recently I've been reading a book called The House On Cold Hill by Peter James. It's about a family that move from Brighton and Hove ( where I live  and love that it is set in the area more or less ) into the Sussex countryside. Strange and odd things start to happen in the house and to them.
   I've read a few chapters and it's pretty good! When I finished the book, I'll let you know what I think of it.


   This is what happens when you start writing and what you must keep doing.

   The moment I told a friend of mine that I've been writing, every day I get asked about it. Every day I'm expected to update my friends on 'how is it going?', 'what happened next?' and 'oh well, you'll be published some day.'
   Or 'when are we going to see your books in the shops?', 'you'll be famous some day!' and 'how many books have you sold?'.
   They are usually said in various tones of curiosity, intrigue and believe it or not, antagonism. No matter what anyone says or what they seem to say between the lines, you have to write every day.
I try to follow my own advice. There are time for whatever reason, I haven't written for a day or two, I feel odd, weird and out of whack. So I keep reminding myself how important it is to keep writing every day. It doesn't matter how many words you write, just write. Like Nike say, Just Do It.