Thursday 23 June 2016

Personal Space

I find as a writer that the place I write is my personal space. I tried a couple of times to write in Starbucks and Costa. That was a fail, to some degree. I wanted to see if I could write in a public space. I don't like it. It feels intrusive and awkward.

When I write, I like to write in a space where I feel safe. I like to write in a space that I can control and where I can be myself. I guess that's the curse of the introvert.

I write best in my bedroom on my bed with my notebook and pen beside me. I don't know if anyone else writes this way. I'm going to try to write in public spaces again and see how I do. May be I'll create some sort of a challenge to find a public space that I find safe enough to let my imagination loose.

I'll try to write in a different place once a week and let you know how I get on.

Good Night. xxx :)

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