Sunday 26 June 2016

Starting Out As A Writer Part 2

Starting off as a writer is one of the hardest things, come to think of it. Writers aren't taken as seriously as other jobs. When I was an artist, I'd get the same expression when I said I was a writer; surprise, then a 'you'll never make money as an artist/writer look' and finally a glazed over look.

Although, since JK Rowling had success with Harry Potter, the glazed over look turned into 'oh well, you never know' look. At that point, instead of adopting an F U look, I smile back with a 'DAMN RIGHT' look. Works every time.

As a fiction writer, it all takes a turn for the worst. When asked, 'what kind of writing do you do?'
I reply, 'fiction'.
Here it comes wait for it.
'oh ... what kind of fiction?'
I can see the flash of lightening, hear thunder clapping, as suddenly as it went, it's back. The glazed over look.

Now I'm ever more compared to a non-fiction writer. Apparently, they do really well, sell books, make money, have, wait for it, 'VALUE'.

If you think non-fiction writing is the only type of writing that has value, think again. Since I began reading Neil Gaiman's books, I have discovered how many lives have been saved just from reading his books. The hope they have instilled in his readers, including me. That it's possible to do what I love and make a living out of it. Everything is impossible until it has been proven possible. Now this takes me to Alice Through The Looking Glass. There is so much in this film than the story or the movie seems to have on the surface. Time portrayed as a man and time travelling to save the Mad  Hatter's family. I won't spoilt it any further if you haven't watched it. It has so many layers to it that it left me awe struck. Fiction digs deeper and pulls at your insides more that non-fiction does. That is my opinion, I'm stating it here.

I found an interesting article about fiction.

Here is Neil Gaiman's edited lecture for the Reading Agency.

I hope you've enjoyed this blog.

Good Night :) xxx

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