Thursday 1 August 2019

Follow Your Dreams

Dear Thursday,

Today you were amazing.
I had an excellent day. Something changed between last night and this morning. I felt blissful, optimistic and extremely positive. I'm going to change the layout of the blog today. As a writer, I wanted to tell you the realness of it. Confessions and all.

You probably heard this before. People say it a lot. Follow your dreams. Achieve your goals. Never give up. Keep going. It's true. Why would you want to slog away every day at work then slump down to whatever Netflix had for you to watch?

Something to live for. Hope. Expectations and the glimmer of a better life.

Follow your dreams. Never give up.

I'm writing this after editing 2 chapters. It doesn't seem like much, but compared to the last few days, that's 1 more chapter. A step forward. Hopefully in the right direction.

In this notebook, I give myself a goal that I try to meet. A number of chapters to edit and I try to achieve it. I would say at first I did really well, then nothing. I reminded myself about my goals and ambitions. From that day, any extra chapter I did was a bonus. Another step forward towards my dream. 

What is your dream?
If you're a writer like me, it's important to keep track of your accomplishments. One foot in front of another. A step closer to your dream.

I hope today's blog has helped you in any way to get you moving towards your life's ambitions. You dream, because nobody is going to do it for you.

Good Night.

Wonder Woman.

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