Friday 2 August 2019

Hard Days

Dear Friday,

You were alright.
 I'm listening to UB40 while writing this so it's seriously chilling me out.

The morning started out great until it didn't. It was challenging at work today. Somehow, I managed to get through it. It ended a lot better than it started.

I edited 3 chapters today. 1 more than yesterday and 2 more than the day before yesterday. Yeay! I'm trucking a long a little faster this week. It does seem like it's forever to finish editing it. Aiming at finishing editing Sisters of the Moon this weekend. I can't wait. Also, I'm starting to love the journey. Writing Keepers of the Crypt makes me feel like this whole era, trilogy is coming to an end. I'm looking forward to writing my next book. I'm really excited about it.

I read most of the 5AM Club by Robin Sharma. I'm really excited to finish it and tell you all about it. I'm going to tell you how it has helped me in a separate blog. There is so much valuable info in that book. I was surprised.
I got a new book recently. I was inspired by a couple of videos that I saw that had Emily Fletcher in it. You might recognise her name from other blog posts. The book is called Stress Less, Accomplish More. Looking at it makes me feel really excited to read it. It's mainly about meditation and how it can improve performance and other good stuff about it. I'll also tell you what I think about it and how it has affected me in a separate blog.

Anyway, I started this blog a little tonight so I'm going to bed. Sleep well.

Wonder Woman,

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