Wednesday 31 July 2019

State of Mind

Dear Wednesday,

You were a good day.
After I snoozed my alarms a thousand times, I got ready for work. And I ran out of foundation. Yup. I don't wear it every day. It was unexpected. I really wanted my highlighter to pop. Never mind. Typical camel day. That's what I call a hump day.

I was in a very positive and optimistic mood. I smiled and worked away to Classic FM which always helped to sooth my anxiety.

Lunch Break: I had a classic meal deal and listened to Reply All. It's a podcast about stories from the internet. If you love crisps, you must try spicy sriracha from walkers. It's really good.

Home: I danced for 30 mins to really upbeat dance music in my undies. I was feeling really happy and grateful. It was so much fun and great exercise. I only hope that the neighbours haven't seen me. 

Summer Snack: 0

Podcast watched: I watched a lady called Emily Fletcher on Vishen. She talked about meditation and how it affects the brain, body and our wellbeing. I watched the Skinny Confidential on the Ed Mylett Show as well as a lady called Jasmine Star. She's a photographer. It's amazing how much she's accomplished.

Books read/listened: 0

Chapters Edited: 1

Writing: 2 pages handwritten. 

Apparently, today is the New Black Super Moon. I wrote down my intentions and created a quantum notebook. You heard it. I got the idea from Charlie "Rocket" Jabley. He is so amazing. Check him out on Instagram. He writes down what he wants to accomplish/happen/manifest in his quantum notebook of possibilities with his magic pen or wand. He shows how to do it on his stories and recent post.

I'm going to shower and go to bed. I hope you have a good new moon and sleep well tonight.

Wonder Woman

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