Tuesday 30 July 2019

Almost Rain

Dear Tuesday,

You were alright today.
Tuesdays are my Mondays. Which meant that I didn't want to get out of bed when my three alarms annoyingly woke me up earlier than I wanted to get up. I snoozed and snoozed until the feel of my dirty hair pulled me towards the bathroom. An hour later, I stumbled onto the bus and apologised to the bus driver. Why? Why do I do this? I half fell in front of him and then apologised about it. Then he didn't process my ticket properly so he had to do it again. Sounds like a Monday. I'm not whining. I didn't hurt myself. I didn't pay twice. This is my confession. A confession of a writer living in a real world.

Last week I attempted to journal. It was alright. I liked it. But I missed the blog. Confessions and all. So today, I decided to actually use it as a blog and tell you about my day. Whoever you are. I hope you had a great day. Anyway, back to today.

When I got to work, the familiar flutters of anxiety turned into full on boxing gloves. I breathed deeply and reminded myself to take the day hour by hour. I turned the radio on and tried to enjoy the breakfast show on Radio 1. Feeling more irritated than when I got there, I pushed the forward button and stopped at Classic FM. It felt MARVELOUS! My body calmed down and I got to work.

Lunch Break: Epic coffee and halloumi wrap from Leon's. I listened to Mysterious Universe podcast. Episode 22.04 was interesting, hilarious and fascinating. I cackled several times like a hyena. It was an epic 30 mins.

Home: I arrived late but thankful to have survived and somewhat enjoyed the day.

Summer Snack: 1 Magnum ice cream. Delicious and the last one in the freezer.

Podcast watched: The Ed Mylett Show. Break Mental Barriers episode with David Goggins. A very inspiring, brave and strong man. I highly recommend this episode. It's on YouTube. Gary Vee Episode - I'm not sure - but it's called Trust That You're on the Right Path | Meeting with Lauren Sanderson. A good one too.
The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes. His guest was Mark Sisson. This man just doesn't stop innovating and creating even when he started his 1st business at age 47. A fascinating person.

Books read/listened: Becoming Michelle Obama on Audible. Two chapters.

Chapters Edited (Sisters of the Moon): 1

Writing: 1 page handwritten

I guess it was a good day. No major dramas. No melt downs. No mishaps. I give it 3 stars *** out of 5.
I hope yours was a good one too. Sleep well and sweet dreams.

Wonder Woman

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