Thursday 20 June 2019

Sisters Of The Moon

I was thrilled when I finished writing Sisters of the Moon. It took me four years on and off to complete it. There are a myriad of reasons why it took so long. Then I recently finished editing it first round. To keep myself in check, I updated my progress on Instagram. It added an element of fun. Here are several photos of what I uploaded.

This week, my main focus is to complete editing it. It's going to be tough, I know it, but it has to get done. I'm very excited to get it ready for submissions. Thinking about that makes me feel really nervous. Part of it is fear of rejection and part of it is getting an agent-for real. I'm really excited to continue writing Keepers of the Crypt. The last book in the trilogy. The end of an era. As time goes by I seem to crave these characters and really love the stories. I hope you do to.

Have a good day.

Wonder Woman XXXX

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