Wednesday 27 February 2019

Wednesday Ramble: I finished the book!

I finished writing Sisters Of The Moon! Yeay! 😁
So what's next?

And so the editing begins. I find it boring sometimes almost torturous, but then I loose myself in it, seriously enjoying it.

I started writing the third book in the trilogy #TheMoonChronicles yesterday. Beginnings, endings, change. Just like life, writing these books have their ups and downs, tragedies, romances, grudges. I do find that revenge is easier in fiction. 😂

I am feeling somewhat uneasy and scared about the querying process. If you're a writer, you'll know that this is the next step after editing. I've had so many rejections on my first two books, although most of them were positive. I am nervous. I know that 2019 is my year and that I will get there a lot sooner than later. It's a feeling in my soul.

Alright, I'm ending my Wednesday Ramble. Have a good hump day or as I like saying, camel day.

Good Night,

Wonder Woman XXX 💜 💜 💜

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