Tuesday 23 June 2020

The Seer 1

                                                                         Chapter 1

I never thought that the smell of freshly cut grass would take me back to a time when summer days felt infinite, when the sun felt divine on my skin and when a snow ball fight at 1:00AM filled me with delight.

The murmur of people in the next room brought me back too soon. I opened my eyes to a woman quietly sobbing into her sleeve. A stool was placed in front of me. I stepped on it and waited for silence to take over. A still lake quivered in my mind. I stretched my hands and placed them on top of the crying woman's head.

Images of a man's bleeding body face down on a wooden floor filled my senses. The images flickered. The lake was still again. I opened my eyes to a figure of the same man standing next to her. 

"He's here. He's standing next to you."

The woman stopped crying. 

"Is he OK?"

I smiled and dropped my hands down.

"Yes. He's fine. He wants to tell you that he'll always be with you."

She stood up and bowed down to me.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, Jennifer." 

A shock registered on her face. She left quickly almost tripping on her dress.

I jumped off the stool and took it with me through to a blue kitchen. A large window overlooked what used to be the Blue Forest. It used to be so dense that no one has ever successfully hiked through it. Everyday, hikers would be found lost wondering around in circles. 

Now, it's a desert. Dunes replaced what used to be a coniferous forest. Nobody knows why it happened. Everybody knows how it happened. Today, all that matters is that we're alive. Today I'm a year older. Nobody expected that a nine year old would save the world.

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