Monday 22 June 2020

Friday Night Frights 11

                                                                Chapter 11

   Sweat trickled down Billie’s forehead and blinded his left eye. This is it. He’s going to die. Taken down by a psychopath who has a fascination with blue eyes. Heather shoved his sock back into his mouth.

   “Are you comfortable?” He muffled out an answer. “Those eyes will be mine in no time.” He turned his head hoping that it was going to be a painless death, but in reality, this was going to be the worst thing he’ll ever go through.

   A large shadow blocked the light streaming through the white curtain. She stopped and looked up. It passed and she returned to her favourite pet. Billie wriggled towards the side table where she placed the scissors. He grabbed them with this left hand and aimed them at her neck. She turned around and laughed at him.

   “Do you really think that you’re going to kill me?”

   He spat the sock at her.

   “I’ll try my best.”

   They wrestled for the scissors taking turns jabbing each other in the process. Billie found himself sliding off the bed and falling with a loud thump on the floorboards. He screamed out loud when Heather shoved the scissors into his shoulder.

  A loud crash broke through the large bedroom window. A large figure wrapped in a white curtain wrestled out of it.

   “Stop! Don’t you dare move!” Billie and Heather froze. Marc winced at the shard of glass wedged in his thigh. He pointed his gun at Heather. “Get up. Move away from him.”

   She stood up and moved slowly towards her vanity where she kept a large pair of sewing scissors. Billie slowly pulled out the scissors lodged in his shoulder. Marc approached him and helped him sit up.

   “Are you OK?”

   He winced at the bleeding gash.

   “I will be.”

   Heather removed the large sewing scissors from the top drawer at her vanity and ran towards Marc holding them high and aiming for his neck. Billie reached for the discarded scissors and tried to push his friend away.

   “Get out of the way!”

   He saw Heather moving in slow motion towards him. She fell towards him as he pulled the trigger. The large scissors missed him by an inch. A splatter of blood marked the pure whiteness of the room.  


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