Sunday 10 May 2020


Deborah Feldman's Unorthodox is an honest journey of a little girl trying to fit in a Hasidic community with all its rules and laws. As she grew up, and got married, she continued to question herself on her life and where it's taking her. 

With a young son, she took a poetry class at a college that accepted her in their adult learning program. She met new and interesting people that opened her eyes to a different world with all the freedoms she could ever want. I won't spoil it for you. She has had an interesting life that only a few people know of the ins and outs of the Hasidic community. 

I've related to her so much. I came from a Muslim background with its own rules and restrictions. I too craved that freedom that she talked about in the book. The freedom to choose my own husband, my own career, my own wardrobe and to wear it in public. To go out anytime I want. 
I think we would have been friends, hiding books under our beds and dreaming of an authentic life.

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