Sunday 19 August 2018

The Space Between

Sometimes, part of writing is not writing. I've recently realised that it's OK to not write every day, and not to write thousands of words each day. 
I've put so much pressure on myself on writing thousands of words a day, which has made me feel like a failure. Like I won't be a successful writer. 

Today, I am letting myself write as much as I want and can, and help my creativity flow. I'll try it and let you know how it goes. :)

I've taken a short break from writing Sisters Of The Moon. The pressure to write it as fast as Moth is heavy. Recently, I have realised that this book is different, even though it is the sequel to Moth. It feels different and is darker. I put so much pressure on myself to complete it that I didn't want to work on it. 

Today, I'll write a little bit and see how it goes. 

Wonder Woman XXX

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