Thursday 28 June 2018

Hard Writing Days

Sometimes I get a day that is long and tiresome. Especially after a challenging day at work, it feels so hard to write. 😥

I can get some writing done, but not the amount I really need to get done. So, with this writing challenge, it feels 10× harder. 😤

I've realised that as long as I keep writing every day, I will reach my goal sooner or later. Those hard writing days will catch up with me and I will get back on track again with the 2k word a day challenge. No one said writing was easy. 😂

I'm on a bus as hot an oven, but when I get home, I'll put some serious ink on those pages. 📝

I've been vlogging a little bit about my writing and will upload weekly on my wonderwomanvlogs channel. I'll catch up with you later. 😘

Wonder Woman XXX   💜

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