Tuesday 1 September 2020

The Seer 8

                                                                        Chapter 8

Under the light of the full moon, Opal glowed. The kids who had survived sat in a circle. Jade and Art sat next to each other. Annie, Jeffrey and the new kid resisted opening their eyes in the bright silver moon. They were the six people who survived.

Opal shimmered blinking in and out of existence. The light expanded and swallowed the circle. It exploded into a billion sparks filling them with one bright opal for a heart.

The light sent out a flare to the other survivors, if there were any left. The light grew smaller and smaller until the only thing left was the pale glow of the moon. 

Opal opened her eyes.

"Thanks everyone, I think that was it."

Jeffrey stood up and carried on digging. The rest of them went to the beach. Jade unzipped one of two tents on the beach. She changed into a pair of blue shorts and a white tank top. Her stomach began to protrud. The future inside of her.

In the distance, bright opal lights danced before them, the only hope that's left in the world.

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