Tuesday 29 September 2020

Amber Days 2

            Chapter 2

Tea splattered on Berta's spotless table cloth. She winced at the clatter of a teaspoon on a saucer. The dust covering the top shelves in the living room made her itch.

"How do you like your tea?"

Joy Sheppard moved to L.A in the 50s with her husband who was hoping to be an actor. In the end, he became the head of the biggest advertising agency in California. 

"Mmm, it's good. Goes well with the digestives."

Berta pretended to like it and swallowed down the bitter drink. She preferred coffee. 

Every Thursday at around 4PM, they had tea at Berta's place. This time, Berta made her famous almond cookies. She helped herself to another digestive and shoved the tin towards Joy. Dunking it in the tea, she brought up the subject of her daughter Beth.

"Did Beth tell you about the date?"

Joy opened the tin before dunking the almond cookie in her cooling cup of tea. 

"Yes, she did, but I don't think she like Charles."

Berta sat up straighter at hearing the news. Charles was her eldest son, and her favourite. 

"Oh? What about him didn't she like?"

Joy's face drained of colour.

"I...I don't feel well. Maybe we can continue this next time."

Berta helped her up, her joints popping. 

"Of course. Take it easy Beth."

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