Monday 10 August 2020

The Seer 7

                Chapter 7

Tom vomited for the third time that day. The sickness spread so fast. There was barely any time left to bury the kids before the next one died. 

Jeffrey dug the graves while the rest of the adults buried the dead. Jade and Art locked the rest of the healthy kids in their rooms.

Opal, Jane, the boy and his dog stopped dead in their tracks. Annie ran to them. 

"It spread so fast! Don't come in!"

Opal grabbed her arm when she tried to go back inside.

"Wait, Annie. Stay with us. Where's Jeffery?"

She turned towards his figure digging and digging and digging. Opal closed her eyes. She took a deep breath. 

"It's time for the property to fulfill it's self."

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