Monday 24 August 2020

The Black Rose 8

                                                                         Chapter 8

Unsolved Mysteries flashed up on the screen. Lizzie pressed next with a greasy finger. Popcorn spilt all over the floor as she reached over towards a bottle of red wine.

Keith, her black labrador jumped up on the table and knocked the bottle over. Luckily, most of it landed on her clothes. He sniffed at the small drops of wine staining the carpet.

"Keith! Look at what you've done!"

She stripped her clothes off and threw them into the washing machine. In the bedroom, she pulled on a pair of black leggings and a purple t-shirt with the word witch on it. 

In the kitchen, she grabbed a bottle of chocolate milk before settling down on the sofa.

Two episodes in, a knock on the door made her jump. Looking into the spy hole, she saw a detective's badge shoved up against the door. She opened the door a crack. DI York looked concerned. 

"Elizabeth Green?"


"Lizzie, can we come in?"

She eyed then up carefully before opening the door wide. DS Scott sneezed as he approached Keith. 

"Sorry, I'm allergic," he sniffed. 

"What's this about?"

Lizzie scooted across the sofa. DI York sat next to her.

"I'm sure you understand what happened to your friends."

Keith whined and rolled over to his side.

"How could I not?"

She wiped away a tear. DS Scott added in.

"We were concerned for your safety," he sneezed again.

"I'm glad you thought of me."

She turned to Keith when he started throwing up. 

"Keith? Are you alright?" 

Lying down next to him, she stroked him.
DI York noticed the bottle of wine.

"Lizzie, is this a recent bottle of wine?"

"No, it was from Amy's birthday party."

York sniffed at the bottle. A faint smell of almonds pulled her away from it.

"Did you drink any of it?"

She looked around for a bag. In the cupboard next to oven, she pulled open two freezer bags. 

"No, Keith jumped on the table and knocked it all over me."

Lizzie started cleaning up the vomit. DS York placed the bottle in one bag and the vomit tissues in the other. 

"Where are your clothes?"

York looked around the room and noticed Keith weezing. 

"What's wrong with him?"

She bent down and sniffed his breath.

"They're in the washing machine. He licked a drop of wine on the carpet. What are you doing?"

Lizzie sat up and crossed her legs. 

"I think you need to take him to the vet right now!"

Keith vomited again and his eyes rolled up into his head.


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