Thursday 16 April 2020

Uncertain Times 2

When I woke up this morning, I heard the bin men take the recycling. The crash and clank of glass bottles reminded me that there are people out there, working to help us through these uncertain times.

Feeling emotional, anxious, scared and uncertain if you're getting paid or if life is going back to normal is OK. There's nothing I can say that will make you feel better. One day, we will wake up to a new normal. Going outside won't feel strange. Remembering to keep your distance from the person in front of you in Sainsburys or the Co-Op  (wherever you shop) will be a faint memory. 

Being furloughed made a few things really important to me. I have one life to make my passions my priority and being happy is the ultimate goal. Like Gary Vee always says, "Money is a tool, happiness is a state of mind."

Take care of yourself, stay safe, stay at home (if you're not working on the frontlines) and wash your hands. This one is the hardest, don't touch your face. 😂

Wonder Woman XXX 

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