Friday 17 April 2020

Friday Night Frights 7

Chapter 7

   Billie’s knee jerked when his name was called.

    “Mr T…Turner?”

   A young woman about the age of twenty, stuttered and corrected herself.

    “That’s me.”

    He stood up and followed her to the pre-screening area.

    “I’m sorry, I meant to say DI Turner.”

   “It’s OK, I don’t mind.”

    She took him from one machine to another, when she was done, she lead him to Heather’s testing room. After the introductions, he sat in the big chair. Anxiety filled him like moths jerking around in a glass bottle. He plastered a fake smile, hoping that he didn’t look too demented.

   “DI Turner, I’ve never had a detective on my chair.”

    She smiled seductively.

   “What can I say, we all need to have our eyes checked.”

   He noticed the curve of her cheek. The waves on her blond hair. Her enticing curves.


    He was attracted to her. Every time she wheeled her chair closer to him, his body lit up like it was on fire. He had to concentrate on the letters. A knock on the door broke the tension. She swivelled towards the door.

    “Come in.”

    A tall older man carrying a clipboard entered the room.

   “Sorry to disturb you, but Miss Cox is having difficulty with the fields test.”

   “I’ll be right back detective.”

    “Take your time.”

   Heather closed the door behind her. This was his opportunity. He leapt up and carefully opened her handbag. Billie recoiled at the two blue eyeballs that looked up at him from a glass jar. He quickly closed the bag and returned to his seat. There might be something to Jim Hardwick’s letter after all. The door opened and Heather returned to her seat.

   “Right, detective, if you sit back, let me take a closer look at those beautiful blue eyes of yours.”

   He smiled nervously.

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