Tuesday 3 October 2017

Police Cells Ghost Hunt

I never thought I'd go on a ghost hunt. When the opportunity came up, I thought about it for a while before purchasing my ticket. A friend of mine and a couple of her friends were going, so I thought that it would be fun for the four of us to go on this ghost hunt. I took my camera with me. I hope you enjoy it! 😈👀👻

I also took some  photos of the basement, storage areas, booking area and cells.

This is where the criminals would be booked in.

These are the old prisoner sinks. The bathrooms were disgusting and creepy.

I tried to take a long shot of part of the basement.

This is one of the cells.

Right at the bottom of the basement, there are old law books and empty shelves including spaces where the policemen used to work.

An old fashioned fireplace and two large wooden chairs flanked it.

We used the Ouija Board with a wine glass, which was very interesting.
We managed to contact a few spirits. I can't tell you for sure if it moved on it's own
or if it was our subconscious.

The judge's chair is at the far end.

We did some table tipping. The lady that was leading
our group thought that the table was moving at some point
but my friend accidentally moved it with her leg! 😂

We did a couple of séances and a few things did happen. There were some knocks, sounds and faint voices. We used rods to ask yes and no questions. It worked. This one was a fun one. I tried a crystal to see if I could get some answers. It moved back and forth, and counter clockwise. 

At the end of the night or morning, we went over what was accomplished and talked about it. It was good fun. If you go, go with a friend for friends. It'll be a good night.

On Facebook search for supernatural Entertainment or Old Police Cells Brighton.

I hope you've enjoyed this blog! xoxo

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