Wednesday 1 January 2020

A New Year 2020

The new decade is here. The longest and darkest month is here. The unrelenting rain is here.

It's easy to slip into melancholy during this time of the year. It's important to remember that spring is only around the corner. The sun will rise earlier. The days will lengthen. Storms will come and go. 

I love a fresh start. A blank page. An opportunity to create something new. I intend to write on a regular basis. Track it, and complete The Moon Chronicles. I'm excited to start writing a new book. 

I also intend to read more/listen to more books. I also hope to tell you about it with more reviews. 

I also want to create more art. 

Anyway, I can keep telling you what I want to do. The main thing is, do things that make you happy. Be kind to yourself and others. Practice self-care. 

Have a good day. 

Wonder Woman 

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