Tuesday 13 June 2017

Writing Sisters Of The Moon

Sometimes it's hard to write, and other times the words flow freely. Sisters Of The Moon has taken me a longer period of time to write. I'm still working on it and one day I will finish it.

As a writer, the pressure to complete a book can be immense. These are the questions I get asked, It's been over a year, why haven't you finished it ? Do you have writer's block? Me: Nope. Do you ever get writer's block? Why do you write? Are you sure it's your passion? The questions keeping coming. You know what? I just give them a big F U and move on. It's not always easy.

As long as I keep moving forward, I know that I'll eventually finish it and start the next one. There is a lot of advise for how to keep writing a series of books, even the infamous sequel. It's true. It is harder to write a sequel, but you know what? Who cares about what people think. Just keep writing a word after another word and you'll get there. I know I'll get there.

I have given myself a time period and started tracking my word count. This helps me keep on top of my overall goal. Halloween is the day I've chosen to finish it. It's a good stretch of time and I know I can get there.

I haven't blogged recently. I've been working on other exciting things that I will blog about another time. I hope you've enjoyed this one. xoxo

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