Tuesday 26 April 2016

The Sequel

I hope you've enjoyed reading Moth. I'm writing a sequel to Moth called Sisters Of The Moon. :)
I'm So excited about it. I started writing new characters and not just humans too!
It carries on right from the end of Moth and jumps into the next plots involving Eva, Daniel, Garfield and Valentino. There's danger, there are fast cars, beautiful creatures, and mythical beings.

Recently, I was thinking of what to call these series of books. It came to me in a minute. The Moon Chronicles. How can it not be?

The moon encompasses everything mythical, different and magical. Also, if you noticed the cover of Moth, you'll see that it has a big moon on the cover in black and white, and seems mystical. Maybe I'll do a similar thing for Sisters Of The Moon.

Moth, the monster, has turned into something like a moth zombie towards the end of Moth. I have ideas of a massive fight scene between him and Eva. I'm excited to explore this area. In the meantime, I'll continue writing the sequel aka Book 2.

I took this picture on the way to the gym last week. Looking back on it, I was thinking of Moth at the bottom of the sea versus the people sunbathing on the seafront not knowing what lay a few feet away from them.

My next writing challenge is writing 1000 words a day to finish Sisters Of The Moon by the end of July. Can I do it? Read what I'm up to here as I keep myself accountable by blogging everyday.

Have a great day!

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