Friday 26 February 2016

Published Again


I haven't blogged for a while. I'm going to try to do it at least once a week.

Last week, I published my book Moth on Amazon! Yeay! I also published it as a glossy paperback book on Amazon. I'll insert the link at the end of the blog.

I'm So excited!

I'm still submitting my book to agents and really want to get one. I really want to see my book in a bookstore. I hope you enjoy it. It's definitely more exciting than my first book. I really enjoyed the whole process from beginning to end!
I have to say that writing a fantasy book that has crime and erotica all in one was fun to write! :p

Today I submitted my book to an agent from the DHH agency.

I'll update you on my book submissions.

Here's the link for my book.

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